Looking for step-by-step support to follow through with screen safety goals and maintain screen sanity?
Connected Family Course
Social Media Readiness Training
Screen Safety Toolkit
Connected Family Screen Agreement
How to Spot Marketing Supplement
Cybersecurity & Red Flags Supplement
What parents are saying about GKIS courses
— EMILY H., MOM OF 3 (AGES 11, 8, & 5)
“I was very concerned about cell phones and what my new middle schooler would be exposed to. I don’t have time to read parenting books, I’m too busy! Dr. Bennett’s course was exactly what I was hoping for. It didn’t take too long, yet it was very informative with clear guidelines that I could implement in my home right away – a technology plan that’s reasonable, doable, and has already helped us have great discussions and spend more quality time together. I loved how the information is science-based and how she focuses on maintaining a good parent-child connection because that is really important to me.”
— WHITNEY L., MOM OF 3 (AGES 1, 4, & 5)
“I’d been feeling guilty and knew I had to get screen time under control, but I wasn’t sure if the Connected Family course applied to my little kids. But it did! Her info helped me shape rules and introduce them to my family and guess what?! They are working!I feel like Dr B’s course set us up for success. I loved how easy it was to complete, quick and user-friendly. It educated me about dangers, but didn’t dwell on them or use scare tactics. I walked away feeling empowered with tools. I love that she promotes a close, trusting relationship and gives us ideas about things we can do together instead of screen time. It’s clear she knows the research and has the clinical experience with families. So glad I took this course! Thank you!”
— LAUREN B., MOM OF 2 (AGES 6 & 3)
“The GKIS Connected Family Course provided supporting research and really drove home why those steps are so important. There are other steps I hadn’t even thought of, like starting now with no private screen time or setting up maker stations. I really liked the GKIS Screen Guidelines offered in Step 9. I also loved all the tracking tool information in Step 10. Before I took the course, I wasn’t sure where to even start on that! I feel like I have the tools to drive positive change in my family’s screen time. The course puts all the research, ideas, and actions in one place which is crucial for any busy parent.”