Keynote Speaker &

Media Expert


Dr. Bennett is a screen safety expert who teaches families how to strengthen relationships AND achieve screen sanity. She is founder and CEO of GetKidsInternetSafe (GKIS) and author of Screen Time in the Mean Time: A Parenting Guide to Get Kids and Teens Internet Safe and the GKIS Home Starter Workbook. In her work as a clinical psychologist over twenty-five years, she sees the impacts of digital injury and how to treat and prevent it. After being distracted by the loss of her parents, she needed answers for her own kids; shame-free, actionable strategies that work. They weren’t out there, so she committed to the GKIS mission.

Her research and teaching as adjunct faculty at CSUCI complemented her feet-on-the-ground practical skill set. She knows what the psychology research is discovering about families and screen time. She is currently on the expert panel for Facebook’s Messenger Kids, consults with experts in technology and education, and has served as Global Ambassador of TeenSafe.

She appears on Access Hollywood Live and various national radio and television news programs. Her media appearances, keynotes, blog articles, and online parenting programs make a powerful impact on families.  Her expert Internet safety and parenting articles have been published by Healthy Living Magazine, Moms Magazine, Mamapedia, and The Good Men Project, among others. For more information, go to

Keynote Presentations

Ask Dr. Bennett

All of us are addicted to our screens. What are your tips for screen sanity?

What are your top three concerns about screen risk? Top three benefits?

Parents report that their kids come unglued when they try to manage their screens. Does that mean they’re addicted? What can parents do about that?

When is it OK for kids to play educational games? Do you have age guidelines for healthy screen use? 

Now that kids must have screens for homework, how can parents get ahead of that?

The FBI reports that on-screen child sexual abuse is at an all-time high, what are your best tips for safety and prevention of harm?

Do screens help kids learn better or are they a distraction? As an educator, what is your sense of the best role for screen use in the classroom and for homework? If parents don’t allow screen use, are they harming their child’s learning potential?

The terms of agreement for social media platforms is 13 years old, yet 4 out of 5 tweens are on social media before the age of 12. Why do parents let that happen? Is it a big deal or is it a real safety concern for kids?

Millenials are sexting. Their parents are terrified about it. Is this the new sexual norm? What’s the big deal?

We are reported to be the loneliest population despite being highly connected online. What drives the need for online “likes”? What are the risks and benefits of virtual connection?


Employees, parents, tweens, & teens from:


PTAs & parenting groups

Religious groups

Community organizations

Corporations & nonprofit organization

Topics of Expertise

How to keep screens from causing health concerns:

  • Distraction from healthy relationships & rejuvenating 3-D play, sleep, & exercise
  • Unhealthy self comparison & shame
  • Repetitive use injuries & distracted driving
  • Pranks, challenges, & online forums
  • Addiction

How to stay safe from online interpersonal exploitation:

  • Online predators (sex traffickers, cults, hate groups)
  • Cyberbullying & a destructive digital footprint
  • Sexting & self-produced pornography

How to avoid online exploitation for profit:

  • Product marketing
  • Cybersecurity & privacy
  • Violence & pornography

How to master the good stuff:

  • Fun & connect through screen time – less conflict!
  • Balance child privacy and safety
  • Screen impact on child & teen development
  • Sensible screen guidelines
  • Tech filtering & monitoring
  • Build child resilience, empathy, & netiquette
  • Advanced parenting strategies for sensible screen management
  • Build a positive parent-child alliance around effective screen time negotiation

Media Appearances


Sheriff Warns About ‘Nude Selfies’ NBC4 Los Angeles 5:00 News
Sextortion: Protecting Your Family NBC4 Los Angeles News at 11

Video for Access Live appearances can be shared for personal use only. No link publicly available.

Radio & Podcasts


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“Dr. Bennett’s resources and stories were extremely relevant and easy to understand and implement.
I particularly appreciated her examples of how to talk with children, especially inviting them to
‘do the work’ researching different apps, making a persuasive argument, and also the wonderful question, “what do you think?” to help them develop their critical thinking skills. A rich evening!”


Suzanne M, Padre Serra Parrish